Terms And Conditions
Terms And Conditions
Take2onlineauctions.com MEMBER AGREEMENT:
www.Take2OnlineAuctions.com (the Site) is operated by George Lucas for Take 2 Bloodstock P/L Pty Ltd (ACN 117 288 883) of 15/618 St Kilda Road Melbourne Victoria 3004.
- By signing up as a new member of take2onlineauctions, you are agreeing to be bound by the following terms and conditions. If you do not accept the terms and conditions you must refrain from using this Site. Take 2 Bloodstock Pty Ltd reserve the right to cancel your membership or bid at any time it feels its members are in breach of any special conditions..
- The buyer and seller acknowledge under no circumstance will they ever bid to “run up” the price of any lot for sale, at any stage of the sale process.
- Take2Bloodstock P/L offers the details of this horse in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the horse.
1 This horse is offered subject to, price change, or withdrawal from the market "anytime" without notice. Photos may not properly reflect the current condition of the actual horse offered for sale - The purchaser accepts that once payment is payment after the sale, we (Take2bloodstock P/L) will chase up transfer of ownership forms and will endeavour to obtain them for you as quickly as possible.
- You accept that the delivery of papers is the sole responsibility of the seller to the purchaser, (you). This includes any lost paperwork or failure of the seller to complete them in a timely manner. Any replacement cards if required are at the expense of the stable / seller or buyer.
- Take2bloodstock is a business and marketing service whereby we market thoroughbred racehorses on behalf of owners and stables, to the general public. Whilst we make every endeavour to disclose all information on the listing / horse for sale, we will not be held liable or responsible in any way after you are the successful bidder / buyer of an auction or privately brokered sale post or pre auction. You are not entitled, under any circumstances, for compensation for any faults, imperfections or other defects arising in the Lot(s) before or after sale, whether clearly visible or not.
- You acknowledge having had every opportunity to contact the relevant parties associated with the horse for sale and also accept you had every chance to obtain a vet certificate or inspection of the horse. We strongly recommend that you obtain your own independent inspection by a qualified and independent vet, however, you bid acknowledging that Take2onlineauctions / Take2bloodsotck P/L did not stop you at any stage from doing this, or influence your decision to bid on any listing on take2onlineaucrtions.com. We cannot be held liable for a horse's soundness in any way
- You have the right to vet the horse pre and potentially post sale, under the following condition. A) You notify us immediately in writing immediately after receiving a “successful winning bidder” email notification and have the appointment booked to be inspected within 48 hours thereafter. Failure to do so is acceptance of all terms and conditions of sale and therefore the sale is deemed unconditional and payment in full is then due to be paid by the purchaser, the amount to be determined at the expiration of sale, via electronic notification and or the “closed auction” figure on website (+ nominated G.S.T % if applicable & displayed on sales - listing page).
- If you choose to share your log in details with anyone else and they are the successful bidder, please be mindful that you’re liable to complete the transaction as per all terms and conditions of sale here still.
- By joining the site, you agree that under no circumstance will you attempt to negotiate the purchase of any horse directly off the owner or stable. You’ll be liable for all commission and associated costs of sale should you be found guilty of this, if a sale is negotiated behind take2bloodstock’s back. “The sale” refers to any listing on take2blooodstock.com.au’s site or take2onlineauction.com’s site.
- Owners / stables can charge their spelling box rates the day after payment, should they decide to invoice purchaser separately. This is at their discretion should they see fit to do so. We encourage booking transport immediately after sale, so that pick up is swift. Allowing for clear payment before pick up. No horse under any circumstance can go before the seller has clear funds / or the agent acknowledges being in receipt of an official bank “remittance” notice / received by email or picture text.
- Take2bloodstock P/L and the owners of any sold lot on take2onlineauctions take no responsibility for the horse once payment is made and or the horse is collected. The purchaser is encouraged, at their expense, to insure the horse in transit or at the point of sale. We are not liable in any way financially, for any horse, sold or marketed by Take2bloodstock P/L. Also, once the horse enters the float, the new purchaser is also 100% liable for the horse. Any issues arising are between the float company and purchaser, or between the owner and seller directly and has nothing to do with Take2bloodstock P/L.
- You acknowledge “if” under any circumstance you’re not happy with your purchase, the maximum you can seek does not include Take2bloodstock P/L fees associated with the sale.
- G.S.T if applicable is never more than 10% of the sale / purchase price. In some instances the G.S.T isn’t fully known at the time of sale, take2bloodstock can claim up 10% of the G.S.T on behalf of the sellers, as long as the purchaser is notified before the sale expiration or after the sale expiration, before settlement. In some rare circumstances where the seller may be unaware or discover the exact amount of G.S.T and it is after settlement, you accept that you still have to pay this in order to complete the sale and take possession of all signed paperwork, being the transfer of ownership document.
- The increments by which bids will increase are set out below: Price at time of placing the Bid Minimum Bidding Increment $100.00 > $1-$3000 $100.00, $3001- $30,000 $200.00 $30,001 - $499,000.00 $500.00.
- You will be able to bid on advertised Lot(s) until the second prior to the advertised closing date and time of the auction. You understand and accept that any bids placed in the last 60 seconds, re-sets the clock back to a 90 second countdown until all bidding ceases. This is to enable all parties every opportunity to compete fairly and make an informed & rational decision. We are not responsible for last minute / second bids that may not register due to issues such as poor network connection, low Wi-Fi signal, wrong bid amount etc.
- The vendor, stable or any syndicate member can bid on their horse any time, whether listed for reserved or unreserved sale. They are bound by all the same special conditions as everyone else and accept that all commission and fees are payable to take2bloodstock should they be the successful bidder/purchaser. The rate being $250 marketing and admin fee, minimum rate of 10% commission plus 10% G.S.T, or higher than 10% by agreement, (plus 10% G.S.T).
- If there’s a bidding dispute we shall act to resolve it fairly. As their can only be one buyer for any horse, our decision is final and you must accept this and place no blame or liability on Take2bloodstock P/L / Take2onlineauctions.com.
- With AUTO BID and BID DIRECTLY, should 2 bids be the same, it will favour the same bid to the BID DIRECTLY BID. There can only be one buyer at the same price, so the site member at take2onlineaiuctions.com understands and accepts this and it is their responsibility to monitor bidding. I will make all efforts to inform you, when possible, but we don’t know the “auto bid” amount at any stage.
- Take 2 Bloodstock Pty Ltd reserves the right to cancel or withdraw bids at its discretion, as well as change the auction finish time, reserve or date. There are unforeseen circumstances which may warrant this, such as website technical difficulties etc, which can arise anytime. If we suspect a bidder is manipulating an auction, we will withdraw their bid immediately and inform them that they have been banned, unless they can explain and prove otherwise.
- If a horse is a windsucker, it is a term of sale that must be disclosed. If for any reason it has been failed to be disclosed, the purchaser, at their discretion can either still proceed, or request a refund subject to the following condition.. The purchaser must however notify us in writing within 48 hours of taking possession of the horse that they wish to claim a refund. The refund is subject to condition *21b being met. *21b) A vet certificate stating that the horse was more than likely a windsucker before the sale must be supplied, at the purchaser’s expense, within 48 hours of notifying Take2bloodstock P/L of intent to cancel the sale. As horses can pick it up anytime, we require a vet certificate.. If the seller was aware of this (winsucking) once contacted by the purchaser or Take2bloodstock P/L and acknowledges forgetting to disclose this, no vet certificate is required. In this instance, Take2bloodstock P/L still receives their commission in full, should there be any deductions in price or refunds resulting from a horse being a windsucker and not disclosed or disclosed / discovered after the sale. If the purchaser or purchaser's representative inspected the horse before purchase, then the sale is unconditional regardless if the horse has been seen to windsuck or not, without disclosure.
- The successful bidder, being the purchaser, if he or she fails to respond to communication regarding settlement / payment in full, within 12 hours of the auction expiration or 12 hours from point of communication from "Take2bloodstock P/L / Take2onlineauctions", acknowledges that they will take no further action against Take2bloodstock P/L for re offering the horse to under-bidders or the market-place in general, with the intent being to sell the horse. This attempted communication can be either by phone, text or email - a copy of either method as proof of contact will be provided if there's any discrepancy. The horse can then be sold to any other party Take2bloodstock P/L engages into an agreement with.